Our little family

Our little family

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Fun This Summer

Let's see where to begin.  We have tried to stay pretty busy this summer doing some fun things while we have had some extra time with Andy.     
     Luckily after Andy got back from Reno we were able to have two weeks off before he had to start his next internship.  The first week we decided to go to St. George.  We had so much fun while we were there and learned very quickly how much Emrie loves the pool.  She would have stayed in the pool all day if we would have let her.  She also had her first experience with the splash pad and of course ran right into the water and wasn't scared of it at all.  We also had the opportunity to go to Zion's and do a small hike.  We saw a lot of lizards and actually saw a deer about 15 feet from us and Emrie loved that.  Andy took her down to the river and they had fun throwing rocks into the water.  Overall it was a great trip and we had a lot of fun.

   Over the next week we did some fun things around home.  We did some more swimming, played on the swings which is now a new favorite activity that she loves.  We also went to the Zoo.  I don't think Emrie knew what to think.  She had so much fun and loved seeing all of the different kind of animals that we always talk about.  Grandma Sellers got to come with us which was also a lot of fun for us as.  Emire is so independent and doesn't think she needs any ones help.  She did not want to be in the stroller most of the day and wanted to direct us everywhere we went.  It was fun to see her interact with other kids and all of the animals.

   We also were able to go camping up American Fork canyon for one night with Andys parents.  This was Emries' first experience with camping as well.  She also loved camping and acted like she had been camping a dozen times before.  Even though it was pretty cold at night she slept through the whole night without waking up once!  She was super excited when we had about 5 different deer come right into our campsite and stand only about 5 feet from us.  She kept calling the deer like they were dogs by patting her leg and saying "come here deer!"  After seeing how much fun she had we may just have to go camping again, even though it is not my favorite activity!

   The summer is slowly coming to an end and we are sad we will have to give Andy back up to school.  We have enjoyed having him around a little more and being able to do some of these fun things together.  Andy is in Washington DC/ New York right now interviewing for some internships for next summer.  So far it sounds like they are going pretty well so we will see what happens with that. 
    Emrie has had quite a big summer filled with a lot of fun activities.  She has also gotten 3 new molars over the summer and loves that she gets to brush her own teeth now.  She continues to talk more and more everyday.  I can't believe how big her vocabulary is getting and how well she understands what we are saying to her.  She has also mastered how to use a fork to eat with which has been a nice advantage for me, now if we can just get the spoon down!  She is such a good little girl and is very obedient.  I have a feeling we may be getting ready to start working on potty training with her.  She is already starting to show some interest in that and already knows right where to find her potty.  She is definitely a little show off especially if she sees anyone get excited about what she is doing.  Emrie just wants to be as grown up as everyone else and just wants to be able to do whatever she sees anybody doing.  We love her so much and love watching her grow and learn new things.  We are so excited to be going to Disneyland in October and are counting down the days!!!! 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Long Week

Well let's see.  This week has been quite the long week.  We started off Sunday pretty well, we went to church and made it all three hours even though the last hour was quite difficult for Emrie.  We went to my parents house Sunday evening for dinner and FHE and had a great time as always.  We love spending Sunday's with the family.  I noticed Emrie had started to feel warm just about the time we were leaving to head home. 

When we got home I gave Emrie a small dose of IB profen to help with the small fever she had, but unfortunately it didn't help.  She was up all night on Sunday tossing and turning trying to get comfortable and just couldn't sleep.  Needless to say we had a long night.  She again woke up on Monday morning with a pretty high fever and was very clingy.   This is not normal for Emrie I can barely get her to sit on my lap for more than 2 minutes if even that.  Unfortunately, we had to go to work so I took Emrie to Krisandas for the day and picked her up at grandpas house. 

When I walked in I could see it in her eyes.  She just didn't feel good at all as she sat there cuddling on her pa pa's lap.  She still managed to look right up at me with a big smile and say "HI"! just like she always does.  We love it! :)  Monday night again was a very long night with frequent periods of Emrie crying and rolling around trying to get comfortable.  She had a fever again up to 102.7.  Tuesday she was fussy all day long and clingy with high fevers all day even with the medicine.  I finally decided to take her in to see the doctor at 4.

After a long visit at the doctors office, and Emrie screaming harder than I have ever heard, they found that her ears looked great and her strep test came back negative.  Although her throat was very red, the doctor said that she most likely had a virus.  I really hate going to the doctor to find that nothing is wrong and there is nothing I can do to help her feel any better.  Emrie hates it worse.

All we got from the doctor was instructions to bring her back on Friday if her fevers persisted for a urine sample to check for a UTI and possibly some blood work.  Again that night she had a temp of 103.1 and was up all night and refused to sleep in her crib so Andy slept on the couch and Emrie slept on the bed with me.  Wednesday was the same thing again.  So now we sit and wait hoping her fever will go away.  It has come down some, but Emrie is still very fussy and you can tell that she still isn't feelilng that great.  So we will see and we will keep praying that her fever goes away, so we don't have to go back to the doctor, and that we can all get some good and much needed sleep tonight.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Update on the Family

Well we finally gave in and decided to set up a blog.  We will see how this goes! :)  For our first blog post we will just give an update on our little family for those that we don't see very often.

   Andy is currently going to Law School at BYU with a full tuition scholarship (which we are very thankful for).  He just finished his first year and did really well.  We are very proud of him.  He stays very busy with school, at the beginning of summer he did a 6 week internship in Reno at the federal district court and really enjoyed it even though we missed him very much.  He is now back from Reno and is working at the SEC in Salt Lake and is enjoying that as well.  He is a great dad and husband and always makes time for Emrie even when he is as busy as he is.  She definitely has him wrapped around her little finger and is a huge daddy's girl.
   Micalyne, I am currently working for a dialysis company I have worked with for almost 6 years now and was promoted to be the nurse manager back in November for our Woods Cross clinic.  I enjoy it very much and love being a nurse.  I am also very busy being a mom to our little buggy.  She always keeps me running but I don't know what I would do without her.

    Emrie is our busy little bug.  She is always doing something and running around.  She amazes us everyday and it seems as though she learns a million new things daily.  It is hard to keep track of all the amazing things she does.  The most current achievements are: putting small sentences together like "where is it" "let's go" etc.  She also just learned all the actions to "Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree," and is always wanting to sing it.  We went to the doctor today and he could not believe how healthy she was even though she is so little.  She only weighs 18lbs 4 oz which is only in the 1%, but she eats like crazy so we don't know where it all goes. 

We hope that by doing this blog we can keep all of our families and friends up to date with what is going on in our lives!